Best Free Audiobook Apps As Alternatives To Audible

Do you love audiobooks but don’t have the cake to pay for all audiobooks that you really want to listen to?

Audiobooks are a great alternative for readers who wish to relax their eyes without missing that one last chapter. They are also a boon to the non-readers who don’t have either the time or the patience to sit down with a book and focus on words.

Best Free Audiobook Apps

However, purchasing and listening to Audiobooks on platforms like Audible might not be covered in your budget. That’s why we have prepared a list of the top 4 alternatives to Audible.

●      Libby

The first one on this list is the Libby app where you can access books and audiobooks through your local library card. It connects your library card to the digital collection your library hold.  It has all the features like playback speed, sleep timer, and bookmarks, like Audible.

●      Spotify

Although your choices will be a bit limited and you also might have to dive a bit deeper in search of the audiobook you want to listen to, Spotify is another great alternative to Audible to listen to audiobooks for free.

●      Loyal Books

You can access free, public domain audiobooks on Loyal Books with features like skip forward and backward, sleep timer, download, etc. this app also includes book reviews so you can decide which book you wish to read next.

●      Youtube

If you are surprised by this entry but Youtube contains hundreds and thousands of audiobooks. Of course, don’t go expecting the recently published book to be available here.

If you liked this list of best free audiobook apps, Check out our website Bestopapps. We provide the best comprehensive list of top applications in multiple categories that can be used on various devices. Visit our website to learn more.

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